If you are a Manufacturer that needs an EMDN Code for registering a product in the EC EUDAMED database, you may find our “EMDN Service” useful to get ‘best match’ suggestions from your GMDN Codes.

The “EMDN Service” provides GMDN members that have a ‘paid-for’ account membership with an EMDN Code for each GMDN Code listed in their ‘My Terms’.

Log in to access:

The ‘EMDN’ button will provide a table with a one-to-one ‘best match’ suggestion. This service does come with a warning that all EMDN Codes should be carefully reviewed, based on the latest version of EMDN, before submission to EUDAMED.

A full set of EMDN Terms can be downloaded from the European Commission website:

Please note: EMDN Terms are typically drafted more widely than GMDN Terms, so products falling within different GMDN Terms may be covered by the same EMDN Term.

The GMDN Agency last updated our EMDN Service in March 2022. We will no longer be updating this service going forward.

The GMDN Agency has no responsibility or liability to you for use of any EMDN Term that is identified by this service – it remains your responsibility to ensure you use the most appropriate EMDN Term for the relevant medical device. For further assistance please contact the GMDN Agency.